Healthy Eating during Quarantine
Diana Savani, RD, LDN If you had told me a month ago I’d be here writing a blog post with tips on how to maintain healthy eating habits during a pandemic quarantine, I would have laughed. 2020 is turning out to be quite a crazy year, not just in the United States, but all over the world. As many of us are hunkered down in our houses trying to figure out how to work from home and maintain some level of sanity, how are we supposed to stay on track with our healthy lifestyle? It may be challenging, but it’s possible. Check out my top 5 tips to keep up…
A Dietitian’s Review: Juice Plus+
Juice Plus+. I’ve been asked about it quite a few times and it’s been creeping into my social media feed more and more as the start of a new decade approaches and people start assessing where they went wrong with their diets this year. So… What is it? Juice Plus+ is “next best thing to fruits and vegetables,” according to their website. Juice Plus+ claims to be “made from the juice powder concentrates and oils from more than 40 different fruits, vegetables, and grains. While Juice Plus isn’t a substitute for eating fruits and vegetables, our whole food-based products support a healthy diet by offering a much wider variety of…
Body Acceptance & Weight Change Goals
How did we get to a point where we feel comfortable telling others what we think of how they look? Have you ever been made fun of for being overweight? Maybe even your closest friends or family members have commented on your size or your health status, unintentionally making you feel embarrassed or ashamed? What about the other end of the spectrum? Has anyone ever told you to “eat a burger”? You’re too skinny? You must not eat much, you’re so thin? Maybe you’ve even been told you’re so lucky to be thin, or have “thin privilege”? When did we start thinking it is okay to make these types of…
Carbs 101: Myth Busters
Carbohydrates. Can’t live with ‘em, can’t li…. wait a second… yes, we totally CAN live with carbs! In fact, carbohydrates are the brain’s number one preferred source of fuel. How do we know this? Well, SCIENCE. What’s the first word you think of when you hear “carbs”? Is it a negative word that comes to mind? Maybe you associate the word with weight gain or negative health effects? You’re not alone. Unfortunately, carbohydrates get a bad reputation which stems from the plethora of misinformation in the world, often times spread through the internet or even diet programs that are designed to make you want to lose weight fast so they…
Why don’t we trust R.D.’s?
by Diana Savani, RD, LDN Why don’t we trust dietitians? Has the thought ever crossed your mind? Maybe you have always been interested in nutrition and healthy habits, but it never came to mind to meet with a Registered Dietitian? Why is that? The last time you needed a teeth cleaning, who was the first person you thought to visit? Probably your Dentist who is licensed to do dental work. The last time you needed your car fixed, who did you take it to? Most likely a mechanic who you knew was properly trained and had reliable experience. What about the last time you needed an electrician to fix the…